Career Path Curriculum - Quality Improvement
The PEPP program's Career Path Curriculum - Quality Improvement resources

Advanced Degrees and certifications
- UofC Precision Health Quality and Safety Leadership certificate, diploma and Master’s degree
- The Institute for Healthcare Improvement Open School and Basic Certificate in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (Note that healthcare trainees and teachers of QI can request free access to the Open School)
- Cincinnati Children's Medical Center Intermediate Improvement Science Series and Advanced Improvement Methods
QI organizations, conferences and resources
- Practical Leadership for University Scholars
- Critical Leadership Conversations (Curtis Johnston and Charlie Chen)
- Dare to Lead (offered through U of Alberta)
- IHI Quality Improvement Essentials Toolkit
- Alberta Medical Association QI Resources
- University of Calgary My Practice Improvement Tool
- UofC Health Sciences Library online collection: Healthcare Data Guide by Provost and Murray
- Designing and Conducting Scholarly Quality Improvement: A Practical Guide for Improvers Everywhere
- FacDev Express
- Physician Leadership Institute
- Trauma Informed Leadership Training (TILT) contact:
- Evidence-based Practice for Improving Quality (EPIQ) workshops
Online asynchronous learning
- Academy of Quality Improvement Sciences (AHS Learning Link)
- AHS Professional Development Medical Staff
- OFDP videos
- Harvard Manage Mentor
- AHS My Learning Link (AHS credentials required)
Leadership organizations, conferences and resources