Office of Surgical Research | Surgeons' Day Program
Surgeons’ Day Program | June 9, 2023
Clara Christie Theatre | Health Science Centre
8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Please take a moment to evaluate today's program and presentations.
McPhedran Lecture
Dr. Heather Baltzer, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS, University of Toronto, Sections of Plastic Surgery - view Dr. Baltzer's bio
McMurtry Lecture
Dr. Janice Pasieka, MD, FRCSC, FACS, University of Calgary, Section General Surgery - view Dr. Pasieka's bio
Breakfast from 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM
Please join us for a light breakfast served outside the Clara Christie Theatre.
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Dr. Kevin Hildebrand, Zone Clinical Department Head
Dr. Michael Monument, Director of the OSR
Pillar 1 | Clinical & Pre-Clinical Research
Moderator - Dr. Trafford Crump
Dr. Prism Schneider, MD, PhD, FRCSC
Orthopaedic Surgery
What You Knee-d to Know About Viscoelastic Testing in Arthroplasty.
Dr. Ganesh Swamy, MD, PhD
Orthopaedic Surgery
Can intervertebral disc mechanics predict spinal deformity? Building a multi-disciplinary team to answer questions.
Dr. Kate Elzinga, MD, FRCSC
Plastic Surgery
Updates in the surgical management of peripheral nerve pain.
Dr. Tito Daodu, MD, FRCSC
Pediatric Surgery
“I don’t think I would have had the same experience if I had been white.”: Exploring experiences of racism for staff and patients at a Canadian Children’s Hospital.
Dr. Caleb Zavitz, MD, Ph.D. FRCSC
Vascular Surgery
c-Myb limits experimental atherosclerosis through protective lgM production.
Break from 10:10 AM to 10:30 AM
Please join us for light refreshments outside the Clara Christie Theatre.
Pillar 2 | Health Systems & Education
Moderator - Dr. Michael Monument
Dr. Andrew Graham, MD, MSc, MHSc, FRCSC
Thoracic Surgery
Optimizing Opioid Prescribing for Thoracic and Urological Surgery.
Dr. Derrick Randall, MD, MSc, FRCSC
Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Pharyngeal Disorders: Defining Disease and Improving Quality.
Dr. Patrick Gooi, MD, FRCSC
A Journey Towards Precision Medicine in Glaucoma Surgery.
Dr. Karim Manji, DPM, FACFAS
Podiatric Surgery
The Zivot Limb Preservation Centre 1 OAK.
Dr. Annalise Abbot, MD
PGY-4, Orthopaedic Surgery
Southern Alberta Metastatic Cancer to Bone Initiative: Improving care delivery for patients with metastatic bone disease.
McMurtry Lecture
McMurtry Lecture
Dr. Janice Pasieka, MD, FRCSC, FACS
Section of General Surgery
University of Calgary
What does it take to become a pro while striving to make an impact?
Lunch from 12:30 PM to 1:10 PM
Please join us for lunch at the Health Research Innovation Centre Atrium.
Dr. Peter Cruse Memorial Award
Dr. Peter Cruse Memorial Award
Introduced by Dr. Kevin Hildebrand, Zone Clinical Department Head and Academic Department Head, Department of Surgery
Resident Research Showcase
Moderator - Dr. Steve Lopushinsky
Judges: Dr. Heather Baltzer and Dr. Janice Pasieka
Dr. Katherine Fleshner
PGY-3 General Surgery
Diagnostic Delay Among Young Women with Breast Cancer.
Dr. Daniel You
PGY-5 Orthopaedic Surgery
An Early Coagulation-Factor Dominant Hypercoagulability is Followed by a Prolonged Plated-Dominant Hypercoagulability in Patients with Hip Fracture.
Dr. Ann Sophie Lafreniere
PGY-4 Plastic Surgery
A negative temporal artery biopsy may be useful after all.
Dr. Halli Krzyzaniak
PGY-1 Vascular Surgery
Complication of Cerebral Spinal Fluid Drainage in Thoracoabdominal Aortic Procedures.
Dr. Kiana Mahboubi
PGY-3 Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
The Impact of Ethnicity on Oncologic Outcomes for Oral Cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Dr. Michael Kryshtalsky
PGY-3 Ophthalmology
Eyes on Ukraine: A Canadian Ophthalmological Society Foundation humanitarian aid initiative born in Calgary.
McPhredran Lecture
McPhredran Lecture
Dr. Heather L Baltzer, MD, MSc, FRCSC, FACS
Section of Plastic Surgery
University of Toronto
Partial Hand Amputation: From Database Creation to Patient-Oriented Prosthetic Design.
Sharpest Knife Competition
Judges: Dr. Heather Baltzer, Dr. Janice Pasieka, and Dr. Derrick Randall
Sharpest Knife (Live Grant) Competition
- Team 1: Prism Schneider
- Team 2: Andrew Kirkpatrick
- Team 3: Rob Harrop
Closing Remarks
Dr. Michael Monument, Director, Office of Surgical Research