Student Code of Conduct
University of Calgary Medical School
Student Code of Conduct
As a student in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary, I assume the responsibility for the health and well being of others. This undertaking requires that I maintain the highest standards of ethical behaviour. Accordingly, I have adopted the following as principles to guide me through my academic, clinical and research work. I will uphold the spirit and the contents of this code.
- I will maintain the highest standards of academic honesty.
- I will record accurately all historical and physical findings, test results and other information pertinent to the care of my patient.
- I will conduct research in an unbiased manner, report results truthfully and credit ideas developed and work done by others.
- I will admit to my errors.
- I will regard confidentiality as a central obligation of patient care.
- I will limit discussions of patients to members of the health care team in appropriate settings.
- I will respect the privacy, rights and dignity of patients.
Respect for others
- I will not discriminate on such grounds as age, gender, medical condition, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or socioeconomic status.
- I will interact in a considerate manner with all others providing patient care.
- I will uphold, protect and promote a classroom atmosphere conductive to learning.
- I will provide feedback in an appropriate manner and language.
- I will not subject my peers to unwanted romantic or sexual overtures.
- I will treat institutional staff and representatives, as well as faculty and patients, respectfully in all circumstances.
- I will set patient care as the highest priority in the clinical setting.
- I will recognize my own limitations and will seek help when my level of experience is inadequate to handle a situation.
- I will not exploit my relationships with my patients or their families for sexual, emotional, financial or educational purposes.
- In my demeanour, use of language and appearance I will conduct myself professionally in the health care setting and in the classroom.
- I will not use alcohol or drugs in a way that could interfere with my academic, professional and clinical responsibilities.
- I will not impugn the reputations of members of the health care team including my classmates; however I will report unprofessional conduct to the Faculty of Medicine.
- I will not misuse faculty property and resources, e.g. computers, skeletons and other resources.
- I will inform the appropriate people when I am unable to fulfill my responsibilities.
- I will arrive to teaching sessions, including small group sessions, on time and take responsibility for my share of the work.
Expectations of Faculty, Residents and Fellows
- I have the right to expect clear guidelines regarding assignments and examinations as well as to have testing environments that are conducive to academic honesty.
- I cannot be compelled to perform procedures or examinations that I feel are unethical or beyond the level of my training.
- I have the right not to be subjected to romantic or sexual overtures from those who are supervising my work.
- I have the right to be challenged to learn, but not abused, harassed or humiliated.
- I have the right to expect prompt, frequent and constructive feedback from faculty and supervisors.
- I have the right to have my research contributions appropriately represented and acknowledged.
Approved by the University of Calgary Medical Students in the classes of 2006 and 2007, August 11th, 2004
Revised September 2009