UCalgary MD Admissions
How is the MD Admissions office addressing COVID?
The MD admissions office is currently working as per usual however in a predominantly virtual format. Feel free to email ucmedapp@ucalgary.ca or call our office to book an appointment.
Can I still meet with someone from the admissions office?
The MD admissions office prefers that you communicate virtually where possible. We are answering emails and blog questions in a timely manner. Those that require individual application attention can still set up a virtual meeting, if required.
Due to the pandemic I came back to my out of province home early for winter semester to quarantine with my family for a month. How will that affect my Alberta residency status?
The MD Admissions office recognizes that the pandemic may have affected some applicants with regards to their ability to claim Alberta residency status. If you believe your residency status has been impacted by the pandemic please email the office so that we can review your circumstances.
My university changed all winter 2020 semester courses to mandatory pass/fail. How will that affect my GPA calculation?
Students whose winter semester changed to pass/fail or credit/non-credit may still use that year towards their GPA calculation so long as the criteria for full-time studies is met between September-April (24 credits/units) and there are a minimum of 9 graded in the fall semester.
My university allowed the option of changing a numeric or letter grade to pass/fail for courses taken in the winter 2020 semester. I chose to take pass/fail on some of these courses. How will that affect my GPA calculation?
If you had the option of taking a grade or choosing pass/fail and you chose any courses in winter 2020 as pass/fail then that semester will be credited towards your course load but will not be used in the GPA calculation.
Some of the courses I took in the winter 2020 semester were changed to pass/fail instead of a letter or numeric grade by the professor/department. How will that affect my GPA calculation?
If you had to take a pass/fail in a course (i.e. it was not optional), then the rest of the graded winter 2020 semester can still be used in your GPA calculation so long as you have a minimum of 18 graded credits for the year. The MD Admissions office will require proof that the pass/fail in such winter courses was mandatory. This may come in the form of a transcript or letter from a department/professor, depending on your institution.
Can I drop the 2019 fall/2020 winter semester from my GPA calculation?
So long as the lowest GPA year has a minimum of 18 graded credits it may be dropped.