MMI Interview Sample Questions
General MMI Information
The Multiple Mini Interview at the University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine for the application year 2015/2016 consisted of 10 structured brief assessments:
- Each assessment will contribute equally to the applicant’s overall score on the MMI.
- One of the 10 assessments takes the form of a group activity, which will involve groups of 6 or 7 applicants collectively completing a task while being observed by one or more assessors.
- The remaining 9 assessments will take place in a traditional “circuit”. That circuit will consist of 8 minute stations, with 2 minutes between stations to read the prompts on the door and to gather one’s thoughts.
- Each station will present you with a scenario of some sort, and will ask you some kind of behavioural or thought process questions such as “What would you do now?” or “How would you respond?”
- The question will be posted outside the door. Once you have read the question, you will be told when you may open the door to enter the interview room. You will discuss your response with your examiner, and they will then prompt further discussion using scripted probing questions. The probing questions are set in advance for each station, such that the interview does not turn into an open ended discussion. The scenarios are different on each day, and we do not re-use scenarios from previous years.
We routinely get the feedback that the MMI is significantly less stressful than a traditional interview and that the time “flies by”. While certainly a high stakes environment, most applicants find that they are able to relax by the time they are half way through their first station.