Welcome to the UME Research Request Portal
Please use this page to provide information about any project that you plan to implement that involves any aspect of the UME program or UME students.
Please Note:
- UME approval is given as part of the research ethics board (REB) process, but UME approval alone is not sufficient to begin a study without ethics review and approval. Once you complete this request, your project will be reviewed by our team and, if approved, we will provide you with an email stating that we have reviewed your project and approve. You can attach a copy of this letter to your REB application as proof of UME awareness of your project.
- For projects whose primary investigator (PI) and research approval are from a centre outside of the University of Calgary, please note that you must have to have a local PI and local REB approval to complete research at our centre. If a local PI cannot be found, email chreb@ucalgary.ca to discuss other submission/PI options BEFORE completing this request.
- If you intend to complete a quality assurance/quality improvement/program evaluation activity you must have a REB exemption from the CHREB. For a project to be considered QA/QI, it should be undertaken under the authority of the organization that it is intended to evaluate. To request REB exemption, please fill in our research request portal (making note of your intent to request REB exception) our team will review our project, and if we agree that it falls under the QI/QA/program evaluation category we will provide you a letter that states this fact. Please then email chreb@ucalgary.ca with the following information:
- A copy of your project proposal
- A justification as to why the project falls under QA/QI/Program Evaluation. Please click here to see the Board’s reference document on project categorization and here to see the project categorization decision tree (QA/QI/PE vs. Research).
- A copy of your completed aRECCI tool (pdf or link to results): http://www.aihealthsolutions.ca/arecci/screening
- A copy of our letter of support for your QA/QI/Program Evaluation project.
Please note that Research ethics approval cannot be granted for work already undertaken and research conducted without ethics approval is a breach of the University of Calgary’s research integrity policy and may result in significant sanctions.