Multiple Mini Interview General Information
We will divide you into groups. Each group is numbered and it is important that you remain with your group throughout the entire day as interviews are carefully timed. Arrive on time but not too far in advance to avoid confusion on this very busy day.
Please remember, you must bring photo ID to be admitted to the MMI.
When you arrive at registration present your ID and we will simply check your name off the list, provide you with your name tag, have you sign the consent forms and introduce you to your team leaders who will guide your group through the MMI day.
In addition to the MMI, applicants may participate in a 1/2 hour tour of the school and attend a 1/2 hour presentation with a video created by the first year students of UofC MD program. During the presentation you will have a chance to meet the Director of Admissions and ask questions about the program.
Applicants invited for an interview may review sample MMI questions prior to the interview date. Please click here to access the sample MMI questions.
It is important to be aware of these non-cognitive attributes when preparing for the MMI. Practicing medicine is a moral undertaking; our admission process at the University of Calgary aims to admit students:
Who will in their behaviors reflect the following attributes:
- Altruism
- Compassion
- Empathy
- Integrity
The University of Calgary aims to admit students who will:
- Demonstrate ability to manage time
- Demonstrate ability to tolerate ambiguity
- Demonstrate ability to tolerate stress
- Demonstrate good judgment
- Demonstrate enthusiasm for their work
- Pay attention to detail
- Recognize and respect the roles of other healthcare disciplines
Who will in their professional relationships:
- Be trustworthy and honest
- Demonstrate respect for others
- Maintain confidences
- Be self-directed learners
- Be willing to self-assess
- Be willing to work hard
- Communicate effectively
MMI Information Session
This MMI presentation given by Dr. Ian Walker, will show sample MMI videos, offer some insight into how the MMI is scored, as well as provide some advice on how to maximize your performance and ask the medical students present to take part in the discussion.
When and Where?
Interviews will be held in-person on March 8-9 and 15, 2025 for the 2024-2025 application cycle.
Last year’s interviews were held in-person for the Class of 2027. The MMI included eight (8) MMI interviews. There was an opportunity to connect with current medical students and take part in a tour of our facility.
Individuals invited to interview will receive further comprehensive details.