Please use this page to advertise opportunities for undergraduate medical students to help with a scholarly activity

Please note:

  1. The onus is on the primary investigator (PI) to ensure all research projects are approved by the research ethics board (REB), or that all quality assurance/quality improvement/program evaluation activity must have an REB exemption from the CHREB.
  2. Research ethics approval cannot be granted for work already undertaken and research conducted without ethics approval is a breach of the University of Calgary’s research integrity policy and may result in significant sanctions. For more information regarding CHREB, please click here:
  3. Once you complete your request, your project will be reviewed by our team, and if approved, we will provide you with an email stating that we have approved your request for distribution to our UME students. Our office is not responsible for matching UME students with research projects and vice versa. 
  4. As the Cumming School of Medicine’s UME students are in full time studies throughout the year (including the summers), all extracurricular research activities will be conducted outside of mandatory class time by the UME students. 

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