Community Pediatric Asthma Service

Check with your local pharmacy on how to dispose of unwanted/expired medication, including asthma devices.

MDI, Spacer & Mask (under 4 years)

  • Using an inhaler without a spacer is NOT recommended.  More medicine is delivered to the lungs using a spacer
  • Masks come in four sizes: infant, toddler, youth and adult. Make sure the mask covers the nose and mouth snuggly but not so big that it covers the eyes
  • At age 4-6 years, children should switch from a spacer with mask to a spacer with mouthpiece. Up to 66% of the medicine can be lost in the nose when using a spacer with a mask

Need device instructions in other languages?  Click here.

Walk | Run | Play | Breathe
Material on this website has been designed for information purposes only. It should not be used in place of medical advice, instruction and/or treatment.
If you have specific questions, please consult your doctor or appropriate health care professional.