Community Pediatric Asthma Service


Preparing for Your Appointment

Your first appointment with the Community Pediatric Asthma Service may be a telephone or virtual (Microsoft Teams) appointment before we ask you to attend a face-to-face appointment.

Before your appointment, we will send you an information package, either by mail or email, whichever you choose.  If you did not receive this package, call us at 403-943-9139.

Preparing for your appointment with us

What is a Spirometry Test?

Spirometry is a test that measures how much air you can hold in your lungs
and how fast you can blow it out.  It is a simple test and it doesn't hurt. 
Watch this video to see what happens when you have a spirometry test.  


Telephone Appointment

Face-to-Face Appointment

  • Try not to take your Ventolin (blue puffer) 4 hours before your appointment or your Symbicort 12 hours before your appointment, if you can
  • Face-to-face appointment patient package
  • Bring ALL your asthma medicines to your appointment, even if you are not taking them right now
  • Completing the Preparing For Your Appointment (1 page) will provide helpful information to your health care provider
  • Not sure where to find our clinics?  We have maps to  help you

Walk | Run | Play | Breathe
Material on this website has been designed for information purposes only. It should not be used in place of medical advice, instruction and/or treatment.
If you have specific questions, please consult your doctor or appropriate health care professional.