Orthopaedic Surgery | Resources
Locate member resources, including rounds schedules, important section dates, and the Section of Orthopaedic Surgery Newsletter.
Orthopaedic Surgery Newsletter
The Section of Orthopaedic Surgery produces a newsletter to connect with faculty, fellows, residents, and staff about events and current research. Please review our current and past issues to learn more about our section.
Past Issues
Patient Resources
Patient resources for the Section of Orthopaedic Surgery can be found below. Please direct any questions regarding our section or our orthopaedic surgeons to acortho@ucalgary.ca. Additional information for patients can be found on the Alberta Health Services Information for Patients and Families web page.
GLA:D™ Canada in Alberta
GLA:D™ is an education and exercise program that helps people with hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA) manage their symptoms of pain and loss of function. Read the Bone and Joint Health Strategic Clinical Network's GLA:D Project Bulletin (July 2017) for more information about the program and to find the clinic nearest you.