South Health Campus

South Health Campus Family Medicine Teaching Centre

Located inside Calgary's newest hospital, South Health Campus Family Medicine Teaching Centre offers comprehensive care to patients.

South Health Campus Family Medicine Teaching Centre is not currently accepting new patients. Find a Family Doctor


South Health Campus
4th Floor, OutPatient Tower
4448 Front Street SE
Calgary, AB T3M 1M4


Located in South-East Calgary, just East of Deerfoot Trail via the Cranston Ave/Seton Blvd exit. Take the Out Patient elevator to the 4th floor.


Phone: 403-956-2300

Fax: 403-476-9624


Monday to Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM
Evening Clinic (one evening per week) 5:00pm-8:00pm

Our Physicians

  • Dr. Divya Garg  
  • Dr. Melanie Hnatiuk 
  • Dr. Nasim Karim  
  • Dr. Penny Borghesan  
  • Dr. Vishal Bhella  
  • Dr. Mary Cedeno  
  • Dr. Clark Svrcek  
  • Dr. Lindsay Jantzie 
  • Dr. Jessica Orr  
  • Dr. Temilola Akintunde
  • Dr. Karolina Huartson  


Appointment and Clinic Policies

What you need to know as a patient of South Health Campus Family Medicine Teaching Centre.

Your call to the clinic will be answered by the reception staff. They will book your appointment and ask you why (reason) for your visit. 

Your family may accompany you to your appointment. 

Since we are a teaching clinic your family physician is working in partnership with residents who are completing a two-year specialty program in Family Medicine. The resident is identified as part of the care team, and your appointment may be scheduled with a resident who is being supervised by your family physician.

Phone 403-956-2300 and press #4 to reach reception. Please provide the name of your family physician and resident (if known) and the reason for your visit. 

 If you are a new patient to the clinic, please have your Alberta Health Care number available. You will be asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment to complete your new patient registration and a health history form. 

Please check in at the reception desk when you arrive. The reception staff will confirm your appointment and the physician you are seeing. As part of the provincial Patient Registry, you may also be asked to confirm your family physician/primary care provider.

Provide your Alberta Health Care card and photo identification to the receptionist so that they can verify your identity.  You will be asked to confirm your current address, phone number, emergency contact and your email address. 

The reception staff may also ask you to confirm the gender you identify with and your preferred pronoun, if it is not already recorded on your health record.  If your pronouns or gender identity need updating, please inform the reception staff, or your family physician so that it can be updated on your records.  This allows your health care team to maintain an inclusive, safe environment for you and for all. 

Call at least 24 hours in advance if you cannot make your appointment. Advance notice will allow the clinic to schedule another patient who is needing to be seen. 

If you’re going to be late for your appointment, please let us know and advise us on your expected time of arrival.  Your physician and resident will be notified. There will be circumstances when you will need to wait to be seen, or you may be asked to rebook your appointment. 

We request that you provide 24 hours advance notice when cancelling your appointment. 

Your visit is scheduled with your family physician. For most visits you will see the resident first, who will review your medical concerns with your family physician.  Together, you and your resident and physician, will discuss and develop your care plan.

If an appointment is not available with your family physician, we will offer an appointment with another physician in the clinic.

If you have not seen your family physician in 3 years, a member of our health team will reach out to the you to confirm if you are still a patient and to review your health screening needs. 

The clinic conducts annual patient surveys and ask for your participation and feedback. Our patient responses inform us what we are doing well and of those areas that need review.

The clinic holds regular workshops on topics like Osteoporosis, Insomnia, Diabetes, and Anxiety.  Your family physician may recommend a workshop for you and the clinic team will contact you to discuss the referral and the workshop details. 

There is a Patient and Citizen Innovation Council which consists of advisors who meet regularly with members of the clinic care team.  Discuss this with your physician if you are interested in becoming an advisor.

Prescription Refills

Re­fills are not routinely done by phone. Please partner with your physician and pharmacist to avoid running out of medication between visits.

  1. You may contact your drugstore for the status of re­fills that may be left on your prescription.
  2. If there are no refills left, call the clinic early to arrange an appointment to review your condition and medications.
  3. Your community pharmacist can extend most prescriptions for a short time to last until your next appointment. Exceptions are narcotics, triplicate order medications, antibiotics and steroids.
  4. Please bring all your medications in the original containers to your visits at the clinic. This will assist greatly in your conversation with your physician regarding the amount of medication being ordered, and the number of refills before your next visit. Book the next visit before leaving the clinic, to ensure that the timing of your next visit will prevent running out of medication.

Referrals and Special Tests

You must see your family physician to get a referral to a specialist. Referrals will be processed by the referral staff. You will be called about the date and time when it is con­firmed. If you are not able to attend the appointment time or date given, please call the specialist’s of­fice to re-book.

Test Results

Please do not assume “no news is good news”. When tests are being ordered, partner with your physician in planning what follow-up is needed regarding results. This could result in another visit – if so, book that next visit before leaving the clinic. Your physician can advise how long results would usually take to arrive, and can suggest when the best timing for a follow-up visit would be.


The following vaccines are available at our clinic:

  • Influenza (flu) – seasonal
  • Pneumovax 23
  • Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis)

Uninsured Services

Certain services are not covered by Alberta Health and a fee will be charged for these services. The exact amount will depend on the service:

  • Driver’s Medical Exam
  • Insurance Forms
  • 3rd Party Request Exams
  • Sick Notes for work or school
  • Travel Advice

Please Note:

If you have financial concerns, please discuss these charges with your doctor.