
Lethbridge - Overview
- The Chinook Regional Hospital has a full complement of specialist and diagnostic facilities with an exemplary outpatient program.
- Lethbridge family physicians act as the attending doctor for their patients and use Royal College specialists as consultants.

Provided to National Post by Dr. Jonker
Doctor finds perfect mix for professional and family life in Alberta city
Dr. Jonker is a rural program graduate, and continues to live and work in Lethbridge.
Why Lethbridge? FAQ with a current resident
- Excellent balance of rural and tertiary care rotations.
- Extremely friendly and welcoming staff in all rotations.
- Learning based program not serviced based.
- Freedom to work as hard/as much as you would like/explore interests.
- High acuity care in all disciplines from psych to emerge to surgery and ICU .
- Affordable cost of living.
- Unparalleled outdoor activities.
- Close knit supportive resident cohort.
- Cabin Fever Conference
- AHS wellness spending benefits
- Mandatory ICU rotation
- POCUS ultrasound training
Yes, you will be exposed to everything while wearing many different hats depending on what service you are covering. The only limitation is interventional cardiology, vascular surgery and neurosurgery. Otherwise, any/all presentations and specialists are available and very approachable to learners.
Absolutely. 100% yes. If you take an active approach to organizing your schedule, call, academics and courses it is a very work life balance friendly program. I have spent countless days/weekends doing things I love outside of medicine. Biggest limitations on work life balance is amount of travel and number of courses/ore course work while on rotation but it all gets done.

Logan Brennan PGY 2 – Lethbridge