Faculty Development

Welcome to the new digital hub for faculty development resources and programs designed to support Department of Famiy Medicine teachers and educational leaders. 

Small group meeting

Tip of the month - Reflect on Teaching Effectiveness - Use learner cues as a way to evaluate the educational process. Check out teachingphysician.org for more quick tips


New Faculty Development Lead

It is a pleasure to welcome Dr. Jacqueline Hui as Lead, Faculty Development, taking over from Dr. Keith Wycliffe-Jones. 

Dr. Hui practices palliative care in Calgary and in 2014 completed a Master of Health Professions Education (MHPE) at Maastricht University, Netherlands, with an interest in the Four-Component Instructional Design (4C/ID) model and curriculum development. She has a strong background in education, previously holding roles as Program Director for Palliative Care and as Assessment Director of the family medicine residency program. Dr. Hui was recently the Physician Complex System Navigator for the Outcomes of Training Project which prepared a Curriculum Renewal Plan and Change Readiness Assessment for the family medicine residency program.

In addition to her role as DFM Faculty Development Lead, Dr. Hui will be the Director of Teacher Development with the Office of Faculty Development and Performance at the Cumming School of Medicine. She is excited to create a local and sustainable community of practice for teachers and to promote more inclusivity and equity in health professions education.

Upcoming activities

Programs & Workshops

Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds run on Thursday mornings, a quick 1hour presentation held virtually on a variety of topics and a space to highlight the work of our faculty. 

Grand Rounds

Home Room Series

Small group teaching skills development while building a community of practice and sharing challenges and solutions with your colleagues. 

Home Room Series

Fall Together

Faculty development conference held in the fall annually, bringing together faculty from across the program for an exciting keynote presentation and engaging workshops focused on teaching skills and updates about family medicine education in Alberta.

Fall Together


The Family Medicine Foundational Teaching Skills Program is a collaboration between the DFM and the UofC Office of Faculty Development. The virtual 5 session course is designed to provide you with the fundamental skills needed to be a great teacher. Great for new teachers! 




Complimentary subscription available to all faculty members. Access videos, audio interviews, tips, FAQs, and in-depth information on precepting topics. Contact fmcpd@ucalgary.ca for access. 


Practice Based Small Group - Education Modules

Facilitator guide and modules available through the Fac Dev office. Reach out to fmcpd@ucalgary.ca if you're interested in running a small group sesssion with your clinic colleagues. 

PBSG-ED Modules

Events around UCalgary