Why Enhanced Skills

If you are a practicing family physician or recent family medicine graduate who wants to develop enhanced skills in a specific area, we provide the opportunity to do so in our Enhanced Skills Program.  As an Enhanced Skills Program resident you will gain the opportunity over 12 months to build your knowledge and skillset in one of our specialty areas: Addiction Medicine, Care of the Elderly, CCFP Emergency Medicine, Family Practice Anesthesia, Palliative Care, Sport and Exercise Medicine, Chronic Pain, Health Equity, Maternal and Newborn Care, and Sexual and Reproductive Health


Dr. Julia Haber has been recognized with the esteemed PGME Clinical Teaching Award, a distinguished accolade celebrating her exceptional dedication and commitment to high-quality teaching. This award underscores her tireless efforts and outstanding contributions to clinical education.

The 2024-25 Clinical Teaching Awards are based on results from the PGME Teaching Assessment forms completed by residents, showcasing faculty members who excel in delivering top-tier educational experiences. Dr. Haber’s achievement serves as a testament to her impactful role in shaping the future of Anesthesia Residents.

Calgary Poster


Questions about ES?  Please email fmr3@ucalgary.ca







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