Frequently asked questions related to FMeCAP

  • FMeCAP is an online application which can be accessed through any internet browser (NB-except Internet Explorer). FMeCAP works on desktops, laptops and tablets. (can also access via browser on phone, and use Siri, or type in content. NB-no app is currently available).

In order to login to FMeCAP you need to have a UCalgary username and password. The UCalgary username and password will be used for authentication in the system, thus, eliminating the need to have an additional login for this application

On the dashboard page, click the orange button that reads “Start Assessment/Evaluation”.

“Internal preceptors/assessors”, who have access to the system, are able to be selected from the “select an assessor” field. If you can't find your preceptor please ask him/her to request an account to fmecap@ucalgary.ca.

Assessment refers to the performance of the resident, Evaluation refers to how a resident feels about the performance of the program or a preceptor.

Yes, the system allows for more than one type of observation to be selected.

  • Only one EPA can be added to a field note at a time. However, the system automatically associates all EPAs mapped to the Key Feature selected.
  • From there, one can deselect the associated EPAs that are not relevant for the assessment of the chosen Key Feature in any particular context.

FMeCAP Field notes are expected during urgent care rotations.

Feedback received from this field will go to PGFM administrative staff and coordinators. This could be feedback on things like wording, form improvements, curriculum accuracy, etc.

Only by contacting PGFM administrative support (fmecap@ucalgary.ca) can you reopen a field note to make corrections.

Field notes can be completed at a later time as long as it is before the expiry date of the assessment.

Procedural field notes can be completed within FMeCAP by selecting EPA11 when completing a field note.

The Level of Performance (LOP) on a field note is chosen to reflect the demonstration of the skills and/or knowledge described just for the chosen Key Feature (core competency). A Level of Supervision (LOS) applies to EPAs and determination of this, for each EPA, occurs only at Progress Reviews.

This is not currently possible but may be an enhancement in the future. For now if you wish to record feedback related the observed performance in relation to more than one Key Feature for any patient encounter, please complete a separate field note for each.

The Aggregate Tool collates all of the assessment data relating to an EPA or Skill Dimension on one page and organizes this data by how the data was collected e.g. all of the narrative data from Field Notes relating to EPA1 is visible in one place.

For Residents and their Competency Coaches, on Resident CBME dashboard;

  • Choose “Completion Date” or “Encounter Date” and set time (from-to) period to review collected and aggregated  assessment data at top of EPA list. Apply filters.
  • Click on the down arrow to the right of an EPA or Skill Dimension, you will see the number of core field notes and/or ITERs, for the time period you have chosen, appear on the left and a summary of how many filed notes have been completed showing each of the 4  levels of performance over on the right.( 4 boxes)
  • Click on “Core Field Note”(or ITER) to take you to the aggregate tool where you will find all of the data collected in field notes or ITERs for the chosen EPA or Skill dimension in one place, including a graph of Level of Performance over time in relation to each of the Key Features for the chosen EPA.

Evaluations for FM-Rotations, Faculty and Academic learning events will be carried out in FMeCAP. Other evaluations such as competency coach, home clinics, non-FM Rotation evaluations are still done using One45. At the moment evaluations are not in FMeCAP.