Claresholm - Claresholm Medical Clinic (CLA)

Clinic Address: 4215 Fairway Drive, Claresholm, AB

Telephone: (403) 625-4484

Clerks:  Yes


Obstetrics:  Yes; Follows patients to approximately 24 weeks

EM: Yes

Indigenous Health: Yes

Hospitalist: Yes

Distance from Calgary: 133 km

Distance from Lethbridge: 81.9 km

Distance from Medicine Hat: 248 km


Claresholm is a town of 3600 people located about an hour south of Calgary.  To the east of Claresholm is a large farming area with ranching to the west.  The community has a general hospital, long term care centre, psychiatric rehab hospital and an alcohol/drug facility.  Claresholm has acted a Family Medicine teaching site for many years.  There is a single clinic in town and all the doctors in the clinic are involved in teaching.  The Claresholm Medical Centre has a full scope of practice including hospitalist and emergency medicine.  Claresholm has a large elderly population with many complex patients.