One Health Associate Medical Clinic
201- 836 1 Ave NW, Airdrie, AB T4B 0V2

Airdrie One Health Associate Medical Clinic is the place to experience the joy and excitement of practising family medicine in a "rurban" community. Our residents work with us in clinic, urgent care, long term care, and the occasional house call.
We learn not only from each other but also from our various health partners (PCN, CDM, Complex Care, and Diabetic teams) and visiting specialists (O&G, ENT, Radiologists...).
You will learn to manage both acute and complex patients, become more skilled in ambulatory procedures (large and small joint injections, excisions, casting, IUD insertion, endometrial biopsy...) and gain insight into the business of running a successful practice.
You will also see how a good medical practitioner is a participant/leader both in the local and medical community.
Patient Population
Airdrie has a fast growing population. Consequently, we see many young families. Many of our "patient families" have been with us for over twenty years (some comprising 3 & 4 generations!), thus giving unique insights into family health.
Our community is a mix of farmers/ranchers, town folk and commuters. Each group has unique health needs and expectations, contributing to a diversity of clinical presentations and solutions.
Be prepared to have fun.