Virtual Care

Virtual Care & Teaching Resources

This page has been created to provide you with easy access to helpful resources for providing virtual care as well as teaching learners in a virtual environment. 

Virtual Teaching Resources

Tips for Supervising Family Medicine Learners providing Virtual Care
Peer Tips for Virtual Supervision

The Distributed Learning & Rural Initiative team have put together a number of webinars and useful resources to help prepceptors during this new normal of virtual care and teaching. Please visit their Youtube Channel for the most up-to-date offerings. 

Working with Learners in your Virtual Practice - Webinar
This webinar includes great practical tips from physicians practicing virtual care and teaching. 

The Virtual Physical Exam & The Power of Touch in the Virtual World - Webinar
The DLRI want to help to ensure that preceptors can maintain a high level of patient care and an enriched learning experience through your use of the virtual physical exam and how physical touch can continue to find a place in this context. This webinar will also review skin and joint exams, how to observe affect and when to make the call that an in person exam is required.

Supervising Learners While Providing Virtual Care

Virtual Care
Family Doctor

Virtual Care Resources

AMA - Virtual Care Tool Kit 
The Alberta Medical Association has created a tool kit to help you set up virtual care in your clinic. Provides guidance on the various systems available and how to work with your team through this transition. 

Additionally, on the AMAs Virtual Care page you'll find webinars, resources on patient privacy and consent and billing guides. 

CFPC- The College of Family Physicians of Canada

PLP- Physician Learning Program 

Taylor Institute 
Courses available on zoom basics and improving student engagement in a classroom setting, helpful if you have an academic presentation coming up. 

The University of Calgary podcast system Yuja can allow you to easily podcast short videos. Great tool if you want to podcast orientation information for your clinical that could be shared with any learner prior to working with you. 

Both Alberta Health Services and the University of Calgary are providing staff and physicians with access to Zoom. This platform allows you to schedule video calls with multiple participants. 
UCalgary Support