June 9, 2020
Congratulations to Justin Nadeau

Justin Nadeau successfully defended his MA thesis 'How the Mithraeum of the Mithraic Cult Functioned as Sacred Space in Rome' with supervisor Dr. Lindsay Driediger-Murphy and committee members Dr. John Vanderspoel and Dr. Joy Palacios.
Justin's thesis applied theories of sacred space to the ancient worship of the god Mithras to determine that the cult's central space, the Mithraeum, functioned as sacred space through boundaries, an active and passive role in the human bodily experience, establishing a communal identity, and the perceived presence of a deity.
Justin's MA research was funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He has been accepted to the PhD program at University College Cork in Ireland and plans to begin studying there in the fall.
We wish you all the best, Justin!