Advanced Imaging and Microscopy Network (AIM)
This microscopy network connects experts and equipment spanning multiple institutes, provides standardized access and user fee plans to optical microscopes across the Cumming School of Medicine, and the broader University of Calgary and allied scientific communities. In doing so, the AIM network maximizes resource availability and enables more inclusive access to cutting edge technologies for all researchers.
Striking Image Competition
The Advanced Imaging and Microscopy Network (AIM) is once again hosting the Striking Imaging Competition, which celebrates microscopy excellence and promotes colour blind friendly images. Follow the link below for more information and to submit your image for a chance to win great prizes!

ACHRI Imaging Lab
Institute: Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute (ACHRI)
Services: New facility offering Inverted and Upright Zeiss LSM880 microscopes. Multi-photon lasers, Airyscan, Airyscan Fast and NDD detectors and full environmental controls allow a range of imaging capabilities including super-resolution and deep-imaging capture. A Zeiss Light sheet microscope can also be accessed for imaging larger specimens.
Location: HMRB 222

Charbonneau Microscopy Facility (CMF)
Institute: Arnie Charbonneau Cancer Institute
Services: Advanced light microscopy services including instrument access, image analysis, consultation, and customized solutions; independent as well as assisted use; tailored one-on-one training provided; open for everyone
Location: HRIC 2B30D
Contact: or (403) 210-7895

Live Cell Imaging Laboratory (LCI)
Institute: Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases
Services: Assisted imaging, super resolution microscopy (STED and point localization), advanced confocal (multiphoton, spinning disk, laser scanning), image analysis (IMARIS, Huygen’s, Volocity), continuous long-term live cell microscopy, histology, slide scanning, 3D design and rapid prototyping (3D printing), group and individual education, and microscopy research consultation.
Location: HSC 288X
Contact: (403) 220-6111 or

HBI Advanced Microscopy Platform (HBIAMP)
Institute: Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Services: Routine whole slide scanning and high-throughput screening, advanced confocal/ multiphoton microscopy, specimen preparation (tissue culture/ sectioning/ clearing/ expansion), and image analysis including machine/deep learning and deconvolution. Specialized capabilities encompass high resolution spectral and fluorescence lifetime (FLIM), expansion super-resolution (ExM), and whole organ 3D lightsheet microscopy. Contact us for consultation, training, support/assistance, troubleshooting, tech/pipeline development, and optics education.
Location: HMRB 123-124-126
Contact: E: - P: 403 220 6263
Allied and Affiliated Scientific Platforms
Microscopy and Imaging facilities associated with the Advanced Imaging Microscopy Network (AIM)

Precision Oncology Hub (Functional Tissue Imaging Unit)
Institute: Alberta Health Services
Services: Antibody optimization for brightfield and immunofluorescent IHC, multispectral digital image acquisition, image analysis using deep learning pathology software, automated Ki67 scoring for breast cancer, multiplex immunofluorescent phenotype of tumour microenvironment, customize biomarker expression using cell biology approaches, tissue microarray construction and other basic biochemical IHC stains including H&E. Please reach out to us for project consultations.
Location: Tom Baker Cancer Centre AGE 87
Contact: (403) 521-3854 or

AIM Seminar - Dr. Adam Glaser
Speaker: Dr. Adam Glaser, Senior Scientist @ Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics
Title: “Spatial biology at scale: imaging centimeter scale tissues with nanoscale resolution”
Date/Time: Friday, October 20: 10:00 am - 11:00 am