Centre for Advanced Technologies
The Centre for Advanced Technologies (CAT) is the Cumming School of Medicine's core facility umbrella. The essential technologies administered under CAT support contemporary biomedical research across diverse areas, including genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, and cellular and medical imaging.
For general inquiries contact: Director, Strategic Projects and Core Facilities, Angela Krawetz P: (403) 210-8114 email

Applied Spatial Omics Centre (ASOC)
Services: Spatial Transcriptomics/Proteomics and Bioinformatics
Location: HSC G380A
Contact: (403) 220-2950
Web: cumming.ucalgary.ca/research/cat/spatial-omics
Biomedical Technical Support Centre (BTSC)
Services: Electronics and mechanical support; preventative maintenance and repair
Location: HSC B816
Contact: (403) 220-7726
For equipment technical support & repair please submit a request here

Central Sanitation and Sterilization (CSS)
Services: Lab ware washing, autoclave services, biohazard waste, laundry and surplus giveaway
Location: HSC B852
Contact: (403) 220-4217

Centre for Genome Engineering
Services: Embryonic stem cell, transgenic, molecular and cell mutagenesis facilities; knock-out, knock-in or targeted transgenics using conventional and nuclease mediated gene targeting
Web: ucalgary.ca/mousegenomics

Centre for Health Genomics and Informatics
Services: Nucleic acid fragment analysis, DNA and RNA library preparations, Next-Gen sequencing, and bioinformatic analysis and assistance.
Location: HSC B104A
Contact: (403) 220-4503
Web: cumming.ucalgary.ca/research/cat/health-genomics

Experimental Imaging Centre (EIC)
Services: High resolution MR and other imaging modalities facilitating imaging in vivo at near cellular levels
Location: TRW P2
Contact: 403.210.3886
Web: ucalgary.ca/eic
Flow Cytometry Facility (FCF)
Services: Comprehensive and technically sophisticated cell analysis and sorting; user-operated facility with training and education provided
Location: HSC B016
Contact: (403) 220-7502
Web: cumming.ucalgary.ca/cat/flow-cytometry-facility

Health Sciences Animal Resources Centre (HSARC)
Services: Infrastructure and expertise in laboratory animal use and care in accordance with standards set by the Canadian Council on Animal Care
Web: research.ucalgary.ca/animalhealth/animalhealth

Micro CT Laboratory
Services: X-ray based micro-CT systems for 3-D visualization of solid specimens; expertise in 3-D measurement techniques and biometric techniques for characterization of shape variation
Location: HRIC 3A29
Contact: (403) 220-8411
Web: ucalgary.ca/microct

Microscopy and Imaging Facility (MIF)
Services: Transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, advanced light microscopy, atomic force microscopy, including single cell force spectroscopy, and advanced image processing for 3-D electron and light microscopy
Location: HSC B158
Web: cumming.ucalgary.ca/departments/cba/microscopy-imaging/home

Southern Alberta Mass Spectrometry Facility (SAMS)
Services: Optimized sample processing with tailored mass spectrometry methods delivering high-quality protein identification data with a short turn-around time
Location: HSC B014a
Contact: (403) 220-4479
Web: cumming.ucalgary.ca/research/sams/
University Core DNA Services (UCDNA)
Services: Oligonucleotide synthesis, DNA sequencing and genetic analyses, next-generation genome-scale sequencing
Location: HSC B002 (synthesis); HSC B104a (sequencing)
Contact: (403) 220-4277 (synthesis): (403) 220-4503 (sequencing)
Web: ucalgary.ca/dnalab