Cumming School of Medicine: Quick Facts
Creating the future of health:
An innovative medical school committed to excellence and leadership in education research and service to society
The University of Calgary’s Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) is reimagining health for all, driving transformative change in medical education, clinical practice, biomedical and health outcomes research.
We are a compassionate, curious and creative community of more than 8,000 learners, scientists, clinicians and professional staff. Our innovative three-year medical education program and seven world-class research institutes set us apart.
Aligned with the UCalgary strategy, Ahead of Tomorrow, we are driven to expand our local and global reach in transdisciplinary research, educational experiences and community impact.
We are named in honour of UCalgary alumnus Geoffrey Cumming, who provided the largest single philanthropic gift in the university’s history in 2014. The CSM marked its golden anniversary in 2017, celebrating 50 years since our doors opened.

Precision medicine and precision public health
Precision medicine and precision public health is integral to the Cumming School of Medicine.
Western medicine is poised for a transformation in the way we diagnose and treat disease as a result of advances in genomics, imaging and data analyses.
We aim to provide Albertans with access to individualized prevention and treatment plans that mean better outcomes with fewer risks- bringing the future of medicine to Alberta.

The Cumming School of Medicine is investing in five major platforms with up to 50 new recruits in the areas of precision imaging, the microbiome, genomics, informatics and clinical trials.
The school also prioritizes social accountability with our community including a student-run clinic for Calgary's underserved populations.
At a glance:

The University offers one of the few three-year medical programs in North America. In addition to undergraduate and graduate science education, the Bachelor of Health Sciences program offers a unique undergraduate experience.
In 2016 the Undergraduate Medical Education program was successfully accredited, a status continuously maintained since the first students were admitted in 1970.

Our research success relies on strong partnerships with other faculties in the university, Alberta Health Services, and our philanthropic support.
This research leads to better health and health outcomes for Albertans/
18 Order of Canada Recipients, eight Rhodes Scholars, a Gairdner International Award recipient, and a CIHR Health Researcher of the Year award winner.
The Cumming School of Medicine receives more than $150 million each year in grants and contracts.