Creating the future of health - right here in Calgary
The Dean's Talks are a conversation about the future of health and healthcare. From cancer and infectious diseases to wearable technology and advance life planning, research at the CSM is helping to create the future of health.
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Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019
Dr. Valerie Taylor, MD, PhD
Dr. Taylor explores whether your gut microbiota can affect your mood. She researches if stool from healthy people that is given to people with illness can form a new treatment – working toward creating a whole new class of anti-depressants – psychobiotics. She is a professor and head of the Department of Psychiatry
Dr. Alex McGirr, MD, PhD
Dr. McGirr uses new techniques and technologies to treat brain disorders in a way we never have before. Treatments using non-invasive brain stimulation that are available in our health system. He is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry.
Dr. Jean Addington, PhD
Dr. Addington is a leading researcher in the early detection and prevention of serious mental illness, which often occurs in youth. She is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and holds the Novartis Chair for Schizophrenia Research at the university