June 16, 2022
Dr. Ruisheng Wang receives the Samuel Gamble Award

Dr. Ruisheng Wang, is the 2022 recipient of the prestigious and highly competitive Samuel Gamble Award. The award ceremony took place at the ISPRS's Congress in Nice on June 8th, 2022. Dr. Wang is being recognized for his scientific contributions to the field of photogrammetry and remote sensing. Starting in 1988, this award has been granted every four years by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS).
Ruisheng Wang is a professor in the Department of Geomatics Engineering at the University of Calgary which he joined in 2012. Before that, he worked as an industrial researcher at HERE Technologies in Chicago, Illinois. Ruisheng Wang holds a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from McGill University, an M.Sc.E.in Geomatics Engineering from University of New Brunswick, and a B.Eng. in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing from Wuhan University, respectively.
Ruisheng Wang is an acknowledged expert in LiDAR point cloud processing, who leads an internationally recognized research program that aims to develop fully automated methods for real-time generation and updating of 3D maps, operating at the interface of photogrammetry and computer vision. He has also made contributions related to building extraction and modelling in complex urban environments.
Ruisheng Wang and his research team’s highly innovative work has been recognized through important and highly competitive awards, including the Google Research awards in 2014 and 2016 in the Geo/Maps category for contributions on “Building Entrance Recognition from Street-Level LiDAR and Video Images” and “Enhancing Building Facades Using Mobile LiDAR”. In regard to broader contributions to the profession, Ruisheng Wang serves as Associate Editor of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, IEEE Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, the Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, and the Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. Also, he has served as a program committee member for many conferences and has been involved in organizing the IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision series.