Sept. 16, 2019
How can you flourish at UCalgary?

University can be demanding. Managing the rigour of academic life can be hard whether you’re a student, staff member or faculty.
In positive psychology, flourishing means that you are actively working on maintaining positive mental health – whether or not you have a mental illness. Positive mental health is something that anyone can achieve; and there are a few ways to do it.
Taking time out of your week to play, interact with others, connect with your religious or spiritual community, learn something new, and help others can help you flourish. UCalgary has lots of on-campus support too.

This plant is flourishing - so can you.
UFlourish Oct. 15 to 18
UFlourish is an annual campus-wide series of events that helps build positive mental health and personal resilience at UCalgary. Join in events, workshops and activities across campus, like the Wellness Fair on Oct. 15 in Mac Hall a/b. There’s always a fun mix of learning, making crafts or doing art, meditation and yoga, even taking naps.
Staff Wellness
Staff Wellness has programs to promote healthy living, a healthy work environment, and that respect UCalgary employee's life outside of work. They can support your flourishing with mental health support from the Mental Health Consultant, workshops for building personal resilience, and cultivating a mindfulness practice. If staff need more support, there is the Employee and Family Assistance Plan (EFAP) with Homewood Health.
Student Wellness Services and Peer Support
For students, there are lots of programs to help you flourish. Peer support programs are a good way to take a break between classes to engage in a fun craft or activity. The Women’s Resource Centre, the Q Centre, the Campus Community Hub and the Well all have peer support programs on a regular basis. The Hub, in particular, hosts events each week.
Student Wellness Services can help you take care of your mental health when you feel like you’re slipping out of the positive mental health zone. It may be that taking a workshop or joining a group program is enough to get you back to flourishing, or maybe counselling is for you – come in and talk to a Student Support Advisor to help you chose.