April 17, 2014

McGhee awarded NRC Research Press Senior Investigator Award

Dr. Jim McGhee has been awarded the NRC Research Press Senior Investigator Award by the CSMB in recognition of his record of outstanding achievement in research.

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Dr. Jim McGhee has been awarded the NRC Research Press Senior Investigator Award by the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB).

McGhee, a  professor in the Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics, receives the award in recognition of his record of outstanding achievement in research in one or more of the fields of biochemistry, molecular or cellular biology undertaken in Canada by a Canadian scientist.  McGhee’s research focuses on the development of the intestine in the small free-living nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans.  The major emphasis is on transcriptional control, i.e. what transcription factors are involved in controlling which genes, and how does it all work.

As the 2014 recipient of the award, Dr. McGhee delivered a lecture at the CSMB Annual Conference in April and will submit a manuscript for publication in the CSMB BULLETIN.