April 23, 2020
UCalgary Together — Giving Day 2020

What we decide to do with our time and money, matters. Always.
But never so much as right now, as we face a pandemic whose speed and severity rival those of the 1918 influenza outbreak.
This is precisely why UCalgary’s annual 24-hour fundraiser — a.k.a. Giving Day — is broadening its scope for 2020. In response to urgent global challenges accelerated by the pandemic, this year you can support critical COVID-19 research, provide emergency financial assistance to students most impacted by the crisis, or, also new this year, you can pledge volunteer hours with UCalgary or our broader community.
Like its previous three years of generous philanthropic support, Giving Day will include opportunities to donate to student scholarships or areas of groundbreaking research that may have special significance for you. And, just like last year, your gift will have double the impact, with all eligible gifts made by May 22 being matched dollar for dollar, up to $2,500 per gift, while matching funds remain.
Together we'll get through this
With the human, social and economic implications of the pandemic, it is fitting that the University of Calgary use its network of expertise to support the community. Whether it’s encouraging acts of kindness, assisting students or accelerating critical areas of research — we ask that you support the causes that matter most to you.
“As we navigate through this pandemic and economic crisis, together, we need to focus on what truly connects and unites us as a community — and hold on to those values,” says Nuvyn Peters, vice-president (advancement). “The collective generosity of the UCalgary family and community creates an incredibly lasting impact on everything it touches, from students’ career paths to helping solve the greatest challenges of our time.
Although we are physically apart, we can come together, virtually, to demonstrate the strength of our community ties and the solidarity needed to create a better future — through research, philanthropy and volunteerism.
Here’s how you can get involved:
GIVE: Make your financial gift any time between now and May 22 and we’ll match it, up to $2,500 per gift, while funds last — so it pays to give early! All donations of $25 or more will receive a tax receipt, and your entire gift goes to the area that you designated.
VOLUNTEER: There are so many meaningful ways to give back as a volunteer — whether that’s through a myriad of opportunities at the University of Calgary or in our community. This Giving Day, we hope you’ll consider pledging the gift of your time.
SHARE: Spread the word on your social channels by using #UCalgaryTogether.
ASK: You may not see your colleagues or friends at your local coffee shop these days, but you can shoot them an email encouraging them to make their own impact through giving.
Whether by donating, volunteering, or both — your Giving Day support will make a real difference across our campuses and throughout our community.
UCalgary resources on COVID-19
For the most up-to-date information about the University of Calgary's response to the spread of COVID-19, visit the UCalgary COVID-19 Response website.
For resources to support students, faculty, staff, alumni, and all our communities during this unprecedented time, visit the UCalgary COVID-19 Community Support website.