Sept. 9, 2014

Bionic flying robots underscore importance of engineering design

The Schulich School of Engineering partners with Beakerhead to inspire innovation in art and engineering on campus

The Schulich School of Engineering hosts Festo Bionic Fliers on Thursday, Sept 11 in the Jack Simpson Gymnasium. Over 600 first-year engineering students will take in a special viewing as part of a class for the course ENGG 200, Engineering Design and Communications.

“This partnership between Beakerhead and the Schulich School of Engineering showcases the intersection between art and engineering,” says Marjan Eggermont, associate dean (student affairs). “The bionic flyers have that wow factor and demonstrate that engineers design beautiful and functional robots.”

The Festo Bionic Fliers event will include demonstrations of flying robotic jellyfish and other Bionic Learning Network creations from the German automation company Festo. The Bionic Learning Network uses principles from nature to provide inspiration for technical applications and industrial practice. 

“The goal of this introduction to bionic flyers to inspire and show students the creative component of engineering design,” says Eggermont. “The robots are visually emulating movements from nature. Engineering is now at a level that we can duplicate the elegance of nature in our designs. It’s possible these mimicked designs will improve how we interact with our world.”

Festo Bionic Fliers is open to the public from 1 – 1:45 p.m. and 2:15 – 3 p.m.

More Beakerhead events involving the Schulich School of Engineering students, faculty and alumni:

Art Cars

Look for art cars like Pavo Concertus and art bikes around town. Better yet, create your own! Consider this your licence to get creative with your ride. Pavo Concertus is a multidisciplinary project involving students and alumni of the Schulich School of Engineering and the University of Calgary.

Sept. 10-14, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.

Downtown Calgary

Speakerhead on Stephen Avenue Walk

Grab your lunch and find the commotion on Stephen Avenue Walk. During this inspiring series, each speaker has just six minutes to wow you!

Wednesday’s topic: “Our Future Robot Overlords,” featuring Robots Will Save Your Life, with Dr. Alex Ramirez, associate professor of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the Schulich School of Engineering and president of 4Front Robotics.

Sept. 10, Noon - 1 p.m.

Stephen Avenue Walk, 300 Block

Little Big Street

Star car is a collaborative project between the Engineering Education Students' Society and Let's Talk Science, both of which are student organizations at the University of Calgary that focus on science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education and awareness. The interactive project encourages audience members to try mechanical systems for alien communication and interact with our interstellar vehicle!

Sept. 10-12, 4 p.m.-6 p.m.

Stephen Avenue Walk

Packing for a One-Way Trip to Mars
If a one-way trip to Mars seems like such a bleak idea, why are so many people keen to sign up? Pack your lunch and join this lively exploration with people who are willing to – literally – go where no one has gone before.
Sept. 10, 12 – 1:30 p.m.
University of Calgary Downtown Campus Event Centre

Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters presents Chemistry of Coffee
How do you make a cup of coffee? Schulich alumni Sebastian Sztabzyb and Phil Robertson distill the process and science behind making the perfect cup of coffee and the engineering behind the coffee bean.
Sept. 14, 1 – 3 p.m.
Phil & Sebastian Roasterie, #23 2701 16 Street SE

Were you part of a university-related initiative at Beakerhead? Send your photos or social media links to and we’ll share your story with readers in an upcoming issue of UToday. Please remember to include caption information, telling us about the event and who is in the photos!
