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In the News: The Goodlawyer Show

[LISTEN] Work Hard, Be Honorable, and Take Risks: A conversation with Ian Holloway

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In the News: CBA National Magazine

Rethinking the job search

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Dean re-appointed to NSIRA

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In the News: The Hill Times

Lead up to Buffalo Declaration ‘disingenuous’ to Alberta, national caucus, says Conservative MP Kusie

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In the News: Canadian Lawyer

Legal education in a time of financial restraint

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In the News: Canadian Lawyer

'Wexit' and the anemic state of Canadian federalism

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In the News: Precedent JD

Articling horror stories

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In the News: Canadian Lawyer

Dean of law at the University of Calgary Ian Holloway says grammar and history is why the court shouldn’t be renamed the Supreme Court

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In the News: Canadian Lawyer

Blackadder meets the Law Society of Ontario

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In the News: The Lawyer's Daily

Ottawa names members of new national security agency

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