
Assisting a Colleague in Distress

Help recognize a colleague who's in distress     

Help identify internal and external resources available

Possible indicators of stress:

  • Significant low mood with feelings of extreme worry/anxiety, sadness or pain.
  • Withdrawing from colleagues, family or friends.
  • Prolonged irritability and/or unpredictable outbursts of anger.
  • Expresses hopelessness or references suicide, self-harm or harm to others.
  • Unusual disinterest in or disregard for work with marked changes in concentration.

I've noticed you seem distracted and upset lately. I'm concerned. Are you okay?  
Trust your instincts.
It's okay to ask and express concern.
Be specific about the behaviour that worries you.

It sounds like you're feeling overwhelmed. Can I connect you with a resource for help? 
Listen with an open mind.
Ask questions to help understand the situation.
Acknowledge thoughts and feelings.
Offer hope and help.

If you'd like, we can call and book an appointment while you're here with me.
Provide information about resources.
Encourage help-seeking.
Offer to help your colleague connect with resources.  

I respect your decision. I hope you'll keep these options in mind. My door is always open.
Respect the decision to accept or refuse help except in emergency situations.