The ICD-11 Field Trial

Creating a Large Dually Coded Database 


Background: New codes developed in the International Classification of Diseases, 11th Revision for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (ICD-11) needed testing. Field testing involves real-world application of the new codes for quality data collection.  

Objective: This paper describes the field trial methods of creating a dually coded database to field test ICD-11 against ICD-10-CA (a Canadian specific version of the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision), and a reference standard data set of diagnoses. 

Methods: A random sample of discharge records previously coded using ICD-10-CA was selected. Nurses re-examined these entire charts for specified conditions and patient safety events. Clinical coders re-coded the same charts using ICD-11 codes.  

Results: Inpatients discharged from hospitals in Calgary, Alberta, were identified and a dually coded database was created (n=2897). Inter-rater reliability and coding time improved with the ICD-11 coding experience. Clinical coder comments enabled content to be improved in the ICD-11 browser, Coding Tool, and ICD-11 Reference Guide. 

Conclusion: This paper provides detailed methods for creating a dually coded database for conducting a coded data field trial. Crucial future research will use this database to inform further testing and implementing the ICD-11 health data coding system. 

Submitted to: BMC Research Note


The data dictionary provides thorough disease descriptions/ definitions for 51 medical conditions examined during the chart review process.