Person booking & affiliation to the Cumming School of Medicine
(including speakers, entertainment etc)
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, odt.
Are you booking for multiple events?
Room Type
Fire & insurance regulations restrict exceeding room capacity
Fire & insurance regulations restrict exceeding room capacity
Fire & insurance regulations restrict exceeding room capacity
Fire & insurance regulations restrict exceeding room capacity
Only for registration and display purposes.  For any other use please contact
Please ensure when booking your event that you have included time for the set-up (i.e. event starts at 9:00 am set-up needs to start at least 8:00 am.  Hence your booking should start at 8:00 am!

1st Choice

Day of week (preferred):
Pick ONE unless event is offered multiple days per week
Please enter either start time or range of time (depending on room availability)
Please remember that as per UofC policy, rooms are booked in 20 min, 50 min, etc blocks

2nd Choice

Day of week (preferred):
Pick ONE unless event is offered multiple days per week
Please enter either start time or range of time (depending on room availability)
Please remember that as per UofC policy, rooms are booked in 20 min, 50 min, etc blocks

Medical Skills
Room Type
Do you need the Preceptor Lounge?
Will you require Standardized Patient(s)?
Please contact

To book rooms for multiple events, please download and fill out this excel spreadsheet.

One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Is this a Video or Teleconference booking?

Furniture Rental Request
Contact for set-up (if different from above)
Please ensure when booking your event that you have included time for the set-up (i.e. event starts at 9:00 am set-up needs to start at least 8:00 am.  Hence your booking should start at 8:00 am!
Select ALL that you require
Please indicate # required:


External - $75; Internal no charge

Contact AV Services direct at or call 403.210.3839

Any changes you wish to make to a confirmed booking must be made in writing and reviewed and approved by Booking Services.