Matthias Amrein


Cell Biology & Anatomy

Director, Microscopy and Imaging Facility

Cell Biology & Anatomy

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Contact information

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Research and teaching

Research Personnel

Jared Topham, Masters

Nawaf Bogari, PhD

Ali Al-Khaz'Aly, Masters

Juliana Topercerová, PhD


Dr. Amrein is a researcher at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary,Snyder Institute for Chronic Diseases, Airway Inflammation Research Group (AIRG). He studied at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (ETH) with a doctorate from a joint venture between the IBM research lab in Rueschlikon (group of Nobel Laureate Heinrich Rohrer) and ETH, where he was the first to successfully apply the then new scanning probe technique (STM, AFM) to the biomedical area. In his current function as a member of the AIRG he credits his group with discovering the main mechanism of pulmonary surfactant dysfunction with a treatment in pre-clinical testing. His group also studies the interaction of nanoparticles with the lung’s walls, where they now found a mechanism of alveolar epithelial cells efficiently take up and clear nanoparticles. He is the director of the Microscopy and Imaging Facility (MIF), University of Calgary. This University wide facility for electron-, atomic force- and super resolution light microscopy serves researchers from more than 100 industry- and academic labs from medicine, biological sciences and engineering. 




NSERC discovery grant
CIHR Catalyst grant (co-PI)