Rachel Ellaway
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Dr. Rachel Ellaway is Professor in the Department of Community Health Sciences, and Director of the Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship for the Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary. She is also the editor in chief of the journal Advances in Health Sciences Education (AHSE), and she was the creator and Maîtresse de Cérémonies of the AMEE Fringe for many years. As an internationally acclaimed education scholar her work has encompassed many aspects and debates in contemporary medical education including educational technologies, philosophy of educational science, and professional resistance. Her team recently published international guidelines for medical education that is inclusive of transgender and nonbinary persons. Her contributions have been recognized in many awards including the CAME Ian Hart Award for Distinguished Contribution to Medical Education, the RCPSC Duncan Graham Award for Outstanding Contribution to Medical Education, the AFMC President’s Award for Exemplary National Leadership in Academic Medicine, and the Meridith Marks Mentorship Award.