RC CBD Policies

RC CBD Policies

The transition to CBD has lead to a shift in the way residents are assessed as well as when residents write their Royal College exams. These changes have resulted in a corresponding change in RC policies. For programs planning the transition to CBD or those that are currently active in CBD please review the new policy documents below and make sure that you are familiar with them.

1. Policies for Certification for CBD

2. Examination Policy for Candidates in a CBD Program

3. CBD Technical Guide 2.0: Standards for time-based and CBD trainees


*Please note that in the same way that CBD is compulsory only for first year residents in the launch year of RC mandated programs, these same residents as they progress through residency training  and subsequently for all incoming residents thereafter until all residents in the program are CBD; these policies pertain only to residents active in CBD. Residents that are still in traditional programs or who were in their PGY-2 level or higher when their program transitioned to CBD will need to keep on following the Policies and Procedures for Certification and Fellowship that you are familiar with.