Neurosurgeon looking at scanned image of brain

Brain and Mental Health

Brain and mental health researchers collaborating in lab

Working to create healthier brains for better lives

One in three Canadians will be affected by a brain or nervous system disorder or injury in their lifetimes. Some of these conditions occur early in life, with 75 per cent of major mental illnesses such as depression and addiction beginning before the age of 25. Others, like stroke, increase in risk with age. Age-related dementia remains a major unresolved health challenge that threatens to overwhelm our health care system. 

Solutions to these complex issues require both engagement and intellectual exchange across the breadth of expertise in all faculties across the university. The University of Calgary has created a rich environment for research in child education and development, brain and mental health. We have developed strong partnerships with the external community to translate and integrate the knowledge we generate into meaningful outcomes for society.

Led by the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, researchers across campus are unlocking new discoveries and treatments for brain health in our community, uniting a diverse group of experts and trainees in the pursuit of a common goal – the discovery and development of new, improved ways to prevent, detect, and treat neurological and mental health conditions. 

Your support will help expand our research and education efforts, fueling transformational change and inspiring innovations that lead to breakthroughs to help people live longer and healthier lives that allow them to enjoy their families, activities and loved ones.