In this issue:

Global trends in women’s breast cancer show cause for concern
Everyone knows someone who has been affected by cancer, with nearly 50 per cent of Canadians expected to develop cancer during their lifetime.

Energized by the Cumming School of Medicine
The University of Calgary’s completion of an ambitious fundraising campaign, Energize: The Campaign for Eyes High, raised a total of $1.41 billion dollars to support research and education initiatives across campus

Building connections and providing continuity – virtual care in the Patient Medical Home
Your next visit with your family doctor might involve a phone or webcam, rather than a receptionist and waiting room.
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Data scientists mobilize to track COVID-19 cases and help with Alberta’s pandemic response
In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Tyler Williamson, PhD, received the call that the City of Calgary needed municipal and provincial data to help build a response to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

SeroTracker - Alumni and students develop tool to track Covid-19 spread
In early April, Rahul Arora, BHSc’19 and Tingting Yan, BHSc’19 wanted to find a way to contribute meaningfully to the pandemic response.

Launching a Medical Career in a Changing World
Dr. Venessa Shaneman, BSc’12, MD’16, PGME’19, embarked on her new career as a community family physician during a turbulent time for physicians in Alberta.

Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development
In March, teams at Continuing Medical Education & Professional Development (CME&PD) and the Physician Learning Program, quickly mobilized to provide training, education and resources to healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Taking action against systemic racism
Creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment for our community and those we serve.

Mathison Centre researchers study impact of COVID-19 on youth mental health
Study to focus on understanding and supporting vulnerable children and adolescents.