Dictation Instructions Connect Care

All UCMG member physicians and their trainees must use their uniquely assigned speaker code. 
Codes are not to be shared.

  1. Dial 1-844-675-2737
  2. Enter your User ID (5-digit Speaker Code) followed by #
  3. Enter the Location ID (5-digit Clinic Code) followed by #
  4. Enter the Patient Medical Record Number (pMRN) followed by #. No pMRN? Enter 999999.
  5. Press 2 to begin Dictation of Report
  6. Press * for your Receipt Number
  7. Dictate - clearly state & spell if necessary:
    - a) Your Full Name
    - b) Clinic Name and Location (site)
    - c) Patient Name, Date of Birth, pMRN
    - d) Clinic Date
    - e) Copy Distribution (Please state full name and location of all recipients)
  8. Press 7 to end dictation and receive receipt number (refer to Keypad Prompts for options to continue with additional dictations)

RECEIPT NUMBER - the receipt # is your receipt of dictation.
Please record this number for future reference.

For assistance please call 403-592-5200 or email ucmgtrans@ucalgary.ca
To access your unsigned documents in Connect Care go to the AHS Unified Access Portal https://myapps.albertahealthservices.ca