UCMG Transcription Services
The University of Calgary offers UCMG members transcription services. The transcription services team transcribes and edits clinic letters and reports at a wide variety of outpatient clinics across Alberta. These reports contain clinically relevant information to treating health care providers with access to SCM Ambulatory Care or Netcare.
Reports transcribed by UCMG Transcription Services prior to July 2014 are available by completing a request form.
UCMG Transcription Services
Phone: (403) 592-5200
Fax: (403) 270-0805
Email: ucmgtrans@ucalgary.ca
HSC, Room G010 | 3330 Hospital Drive NW | Calgary, AB T2N 4N1
Dictation Instructions
Dictation best practices
- Use a land line to dictate reports. Poor cell phone reception affects the quality of the recording and a dropped signal will result in lost dictation.
- Priority dictation is considered urgent work and is typically completed within two to three hours. The priority dictation code is reserved for cases in which patients are being admitted to hospital within 24 to 48 hours, or if a patient is being referred to another specialist for urgent consultation.
- The eScription system accesses patient demographics using the regional health number. Please use the telephone keypad to provide this information. If you don’t have this number, key in 999999 followed by #.
- To aid in the distribution of reports, dictate both the first and last name of the recipient physician as well as their location (clinic name, city, etc.).
- Physicians using eSignature are reminded to check their web portal frequently to sign off on their documents.
- Pause the dictation during interruptions or conversations. Refer to the keypad prompts above
- Be sure to provide all pertinent patient demographic information.
- If you are disconnected while dictating, create a new dictation and dictate from the point that you were disconnected. There is no need to redictate the previous portion.
- Reference posters and site-specific clinic codes can be accessed through the Cumming School of Medicine’s faculty and staff intranet or by contacting the Transcription Services team.
- Documents older than two years are purged from the eScription system. Ensure your documents are filed on the patient’s chart.
UCMG Member Login
Please log in using your UCalgary credentials (UCID)
InQuiry login tips
- Log into the InQuiry portal using the vendor-supported browser, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Chrome.
- Enter speaker code as your Username and UCMG as Client.
- If logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password. Choose a password that complies with UCalgary’s password management standard.
- If you have forgotten your password, click on “Forgotten Password?,” then the Send Email button and a temporary password reset code will be sent to the primary email address you have on file with UCMG Transcription Services.
EScription access form:
(users need to submit the following forms for setup)
Physician participation agreement