Message from the Division/Section Head | Dr. Leanne Reimche

Welcome to the section of general internal medicine. We are a large section in the Department of Medicine and work both to provide comprehensive care to patients with complex chronic disease. We do this on the medical teaching units, general medical units, nocturnist activities, outpatient clinics, specialized outpatient clinics (obstetrical, bariatric, thrombosis, perioperative, clinical pharmacology) and work in community clinics/private offices. Outreach activities involve healthcare for Indigenous populations, internal medicine consultations in local community hospitals and work with patients at high risk for health disparities. Other members have interest in physician wellness and are national and international leaders in this sphere. We have a strong research and education focus within general internal medicine and are forging new frontiers with the implementation of technology (point of care ultrasound and virtual care hospital at home programs). Many members in our section hold leadership positions within the region and at the provincial level. A focus on “Generalism” has much to offer and our section will continue to develop these strengths.