Message from the Division/Section Head | Dr. Mitesh Thakrar

The DOTM was formed to enhance the foundations built and developed over 20 years through the Southern Alberta Transplant Program (ALTRA); a multi-organ, interdisciplinary, solid organ transplant program which includes heart, lung, liver, kidney, and pancreas transplantation. Membership in the DOTM includes transplant specialty physicians in Cardiology, Respirology, Nephrology and Hepatology. Also included in the DOTM are specialist physicians in Dermatology, Endocrinology, Infectious Diseases, exercise/wellness, and others who play a critical role in the management of transplant patients, develop sub-specialty expertise within transplant, and commit a significant portion of their professional work to transplant medicine. The division maintains a close collaboration with our surgical colleagues in the Division of Transplant Surgery.
All of our members maintain cross-appointments / membership in their organ-specific Divisions within the departments of Medicine, Cardiology, and Surgery. DOTM serves as a collaborative division, which provides physicians specializing in transplantation clinical services, education, and research with a clinical and academic “home” from which to obtain support, share expertise and resources, contribute academically to the field, and work together for the improvement of all of the pillars of professional service.
The mandate of the division is to support and advocate for physician members in the areas of professional development, education, research, recruitment and retention. The development of this unique division benefits not only our physician members, but the solid organ transplant program itself through:
- Better alignment of operational and academic programs within transplantation
- Support of the recognition of Transplantation Medicine as a distinct specialty within medicine
- Facilitate optimization of resource utilization and cohesiveness as a transplant specialty, supporting standardization of common clinical processes and improvement in patient care.
Together we continue to support and advance the clinical and academic pillars of solid organ transplantation for the benefit of our members and our patients.