Message from the Division/Section Head | Dr. Karen Fruetel

We are a diverse and enthusiastic group of geriatricians, who are dedicated to providing quality health care to older adults and improving health care for older adults through education, applied research and quality improvement, and leadership.
Our members provide quality and evidence based care for frail older adults through programs within Specialized Geriatric Services that provide multidisciplinary and specialized health care to frail older adults both in the community and in acute care.
As a Division we are dedicated to improving the health care of older adults through Education, Applied Research/Quality Improvement and Leadership. This includes:
- Providing education to learners at all levels to improve the care of older adults. We are keen to assure that all medical learners have opportunities to increase their knowledge and skill in care for frail older adults and contribute to this through our involvement in education at the Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Continuing Medical Education and Interdisciplinary level. We have an active accredited residency program accredited to increase the number of Geriatric Medicine Specialists. (see Education tab)
- Involvement in Applied Research and Quality Improvement. The environment within the University of Calgary itself promotes innovation and collaboration, and our Section is developing as a leader in the area of applied research focused on improving health care for older adults. (see Research tab)
Medical Leadership. We have many members who hold leadership positions with the Section, Department, Cumming School of Medicine and Alberta Health Services. (explore our members interests on the Member tab) .