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Internal Medicine Clerkship

Message from the Clerkship Director | Dr. Tara Lohmann

Dr. Tara Lohmann, Clerkship Director

On behalf of myself and the Internal Medicine clerkship team, welcome to Internal Medicine! Our aim is to make the Internal Medicine clerkship rotation an enriching and positive learning experience for all of our trainees. Internal medicine is an incredibly diverse specialty and the knowledge and skills you acquire during this rotation will be applicable to any field of medicine you choose to pursue.  Be prepared to work hard, learn a ton and ask lots of questions along the way!  

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, feedback or concerns. 

Message from Class of 2026 Clerkship Reps

Welcome to your Internal Medicine rotation! Your MTU core and IM selectives are exciting and fulfilling blocks but can be overwhelming at times.  As your clerkship student representatives, we are here to help you navigate things to ensure that you have the best educational experience possible.

The IM program at UCalgary is constantly evolving to enhance students' clerkship experience. We can help liaise between you and the course organizers and will try to address any concerns, questions or general feedback you have about your rotations.

We're always happy to chat. Please feel free to reach out anytime.  See you on the wards!

- Tim Onofrychuk ( and Griffin Brunger (

Message from the Internal Medicine Lead Residents

Hi Clerks!

We cannot wait to meet you on the Medical Teaching Unit (MTU) and Internal Medicine wards! Regardless of what career path you ultimately plan to pursue, we hope to make your time on Internal Medicine a worthwhile learning experience that will be relevant wherever your career takes you. 

While MTU can be a busy rotation, it is also a great opportunity to grow your skills and independence by becoming the expert on your assigned patients and by being on-call. Having said that, you will always have a team around to support you - some combination of other clerks, junior residents, a senior resident and an attending staff. Our rotations are excellent opportunities to cover teaching and bedside physical exam topics of interest to you. Please let your team know if you have any particular learning objectives or presentations you hope to see during the rotation. We continuously strive to improve the educational experience for our trainees, so we encourage you to share your feedback with us any time during or after your block.

If you have particular interest in Internal Medicine, we host information sessions and we would love to have you join us.

We are passionate about and proud of our program, the people in it, and the patients we care for. We hope you enjoy your experience on Internal Medicine as much as we do! We are here to support you every step along the way, so please feel free to reach out any time to or to any of us individually. See you on the wards!

 Chiamaka, David, Mobina and Vincent

Other Announcements and Resources

Connect Care Notes

Authored by clerks in an outpatient setting - January, 2023

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