Message from the Division/Section Head | Dr. Maggie Larché

As a national leader in the field of rheumatology, our mission is and has always been to provide excellence in clinical care, education, research and innovation throughout our division—with the ultimate goal of improving the lives of patients not just here in Calgary, but across Canada. To do that, we use an integrated, collaborative and translational approach to lead and drive innovations in the field, while at the same time fostering and encouraging the next generation of rheumatologists in our ranks.
Within the division, we offer strong clinical programs that feature a wide variety of specialty and combined clinics, including, among others, early inflammatory arthritis, spondyloarthropathy, nurse-practitioner, crystal arthritis, transition (YARD), lupus, vasculitis, biologics, combined neuro-immunology, combined antiphospholipid-lupus, combined interstitial lung disease-scleroderma, combined renal-vasculitis, and both general rheumatology and nurse-led stable rheumatic disease clinics.
Since its founding, the Division of Rheumatology here at the University of Calgary has grown and accomplished so much, and I’m proud to now lead this division and its exceptional staff, students and partners towards a future that looks incredibly bright. I look forward to what we can accomplish together.